Welcome to the miserable ramblings of a non-motivated crash dieter! I find myself in the funnies situations, hopefully as the weight comes off, the situations will become more fun!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I got a restart. Most of it I attribute to prayer, “Dear God, please don’t let these 21 year old girls beat me.” I CAN’T lose to skinny girls in their early 20’s. While running with PFC Christopherson, I'm thinking, 'I sped up, how is it that I can still hear her behind me?' but what I say is, "You better get up here!" They push me, I push them and recent push has landed me right back at the 19:10 2 mile run. I thought it would take a few more months to take a minute off my run. Woot Woot! My goal is back down to 17:30 by April.

When I started running with Justine in November, I just knew that with my gluttony and general laziness, I’d lost over a minute on my run. I was sad and used it as an excuse on our 3.1 mile run. As we ran we got slower and slower, then we stopped running all together.

The girls continued to fail their Run. Sad. So, through their misery, Lt Seckel pushed them into agreeing to run/work out 3 days a week with him. When he got busy, or was running late, I’d fill in for him. Tho I dislike waking up that early, I do enjoy our running time. It’s my time to one-on-one with soldiers; they push me relentlessly, I push them, and learn a little about what’s going on in their lives.

Mostly, I feel competitive again. Not overly competitive. Let’s not get crazy, I have no aspirations to wrestle SGT McNitt again, but I feel good and want to do more. If only the more I wanted to do would be cleaning around my house. Sigh…

167 today; It’s better than 168 :) and much better than 186! This week SGT Mace, Lt Seckel and I started a competition: First to lose 24 pounds. Winner gets to pick the punishment. I’m thinking… Pedicures at a an actual shop, and I get to pick the mail color. :) I’ll update you on our progress. Sorry it's so disorganized; it's past my bedtime so I was pressed. Better one next time. Promises

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